Phoenix - Version 3.91 Released

January 23, 2024

Release notes - Phoenix - 3.91


PHOEN-868 Set main Real estate list items to non edit so only list values are possible.

PHOEN-875 Vehicle Make to be list driven

PHOEN-877 Minor Plugin changes to improve performance


PHOEN-869 Exception on Application Copy

PHOEN-870 ApplicationTotals not updating correctly

PHOEN-871 Exception in CreditBureauIndividual

PHOEN-872 Improvements to Screen Control Cache

PHOEN-874 Exception in Create Role

PHOEN-876 Plugin Errors not shown on Login when cached

PHOEN-878 Remove Applicant Wizard not listing Organisation Gaurantors correctly

PHOEN-880 Changing Account definition on an Application causes error

PHOEN-881 Exception in AddApplicantWizard

PHOEN-882 Exception when cancel executed