Tango32 V4.31 Released

May 4, 2017


[TAN-536] - Inertia transactions ignoring GL Accounts in Inertia Subledger as defined in business code

[TAN-538] - Post backdated “2” transaction generates interest adjustment even if “Adjust Interest On Backdated Transactions” is disabled

[TAN-539] - Incorrect Interest Arrears being reported

[TAN-543] - GL Statement - Missing Transaction Amounts when exporting to Excel

[TAN-546] - Minor issue with Contrib mortgage - Projection report. Mutiple months being incorrectly allocated in month #1.

[TAN-548] - Issue deleting loans when Template has been used - Fm_TemplateData

[TAN-551] - Tango API - Client filter not working properly for accounts

[TAN-552] - Incorrect Projection on Contrib mortgages with Pro rata periods

[TAN-553] - Incorrect allocation on Contrib mortgages when Extended

[TAN-554] - Line of Credit Schedule fails to clear properly under certain circumstances

[TAN-555] - Running Gross Balance on Statements not affected by special charges and special payments

[TAN-558] - Zero Divide Error on Asset Register when Depreciation Rate is zero


[TAN-518] - New repayment calculation method: Principal only to Fixed Principal plus Interest cycle

[TAN-523] - Bulk Formletters not correctly selecting by days in arrears when penalties affect arrears balance

[TAN-527] - The ability to set Principal and interest Allocation while entering a Transaction

[TAN-547] - Investor funding row - incorrect rate and amount advanced

[TAN-549] - Veda Positive Reporting - Exclude RepaymentHistory when sending corrections

[TAN-557] - Auto Generate Writeoff - Selection Criteria improved