Tango32 V4.54 Released

August 3, 2020

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.54


* [TAN-1252] - Diary Reminder Report doesn't allow numerals in "Action Code" criteria
* [TAN-1283] - Payout of RV generates Interest and bad debt transactions
* [TAN-1288] - Contrib mortgage - allocation of Interest pmt not in correct sequence for some investors
* [TAN-1290] - Contrib Mortgages - Pro rata first and last - schedule incorrect after processing invitation
* [TAN-1293] - Error when responding yes to Investment Interest rate change via business code
* [TAN-1294] - Error when running upgrade scripts via - Development ->Tools -> Run SQL Script
* [TAN-1296] - Invalid Authorisation specification message when connecting to Tango db from Windows 10 home
* [TAN-1297] - Flat Cancel Doesn't correctly reverse up-front subledgers 
* [TAN-1299] - Drawdown not updating schedule correctly when more than 1 month from settlement to 1st pmt
* [TAN-1300] - Depreciation calculations inconsistent during a leap year.  Sum of months <> Depreciation for entire year.
* [TAN-1301] - Tango New Delinquency Report Change "91+ days" to "90+ days"
* [TAN-1304] - Unable to change interest rate on Loan with NULL interest rate
* [TAN-1306] - Interest Incorrect on Monthly nominal when monthly fees applied
* [TAN-1307] - Incorrect Monthly nominal when first pmt spans multiple months since settlement
* [TAN-1309] - Changing business code on a new account causes interest rate to be set to null if new business code has a blank rate
* [TAN-1310] - Investor Statements including remaining principal in Interest paid column for partial discharge
* [TAN-1311] - XML import ignoring months in advance when importing the repayment amount
* [TAN-1312] - Cashflow Report crashes with "Out of memory" error on some servers with limited memory
* [TAN-1315] - Cannot generate a statement for Creditor with no transactions in selected period
* [TAN-1316] - Delinquency system does not appear to backdate arrears correctly

New Feature

* [TAN-1298] - Enterprise DB change only - new bit column on DocumentTypes - IncludeInEmailList


* [TAN-1282] - Enterprise DB changes only - UseCreditorDetailsForDisbursements new subledger bit
* [TAN-1284] - Add new subledger column UseCreditorDetailsForDisbursements to LoanSubledgers table
* [TAN-1285] - For Interest Only In Advance Accounts, force Gross Balance to be equal to Net Balance
* [TAN-1286] - Contrib mortgages - processing date should update Settlement, Instalment and Repayment schedule
* [TAN-1287] - Add diary notes to the Recovery copy process
* [TAN-1289] - Fully implement IV subledgers.  Remove cursors and loops from IV interest run
* [TAN-1291] - New option to lock balances on Receipt Allocation Report
* [TAN-1292] - Enterprise DB changes only - Investment Interest rate schedule structure
* [TAN-1295] - Prevent Phoenix Export Error to Tango by removing duplicates when identical clients are added in the same block of XML
* [TAN-1302] - Add new parameters to dbo.Insert_FM_HeldBatches:
* [TAN-1305] - Interest Rate change on Matured accounts or accounts with no schedule - accounts should be processed
* [TAN-1308] - New function to return Settlement Status based on LoanAccountNumber
* [TAN-1314] - New function to return charges due for a specific repayment schedule entry