Tango32 V4.58 Released

March 12, 2021

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.58


* [TAN-1401]  Strange behaviour when processing invitation - showing Main Account for on contract tab  
* [TAN-1399]  Incorrect interest charge generated for initial period of some interest in advance accounts  
* [TAN-1397]  dbo.GetBorrowersTable returns NULL Name under certain circumstances  
* [TAN-1396]  Contrib mortgage - Partial discharge interest adj narrative shows incorrect period for adj dates  
* [TAN-1395]  Partial discharges generating principal repayment entry matching revised RV entry.  
* [TAN-1394]  1 cent rounding issue in some payout quotes leading to 1 cent bad debt showing on account.  
* [TAN-1391]  Wizard using existing account# when adding new accounts  
* [TAN-1388] Contrib mortgages with creditors linked to subledgers sometimes adding creditor to Funding details  
* [TAN-1386] Processing an invitation with all subledgers on the Invitation link - incorrect drawdown amount  
* [TAN-1384]  Contrib Mortgage Invitation should not be able to be processed if any invitee From and To Account numbers are blank  
* [TAN-1383]  Incorrect Interest on P & I Report when Account with monthly fees has multiple months between settlement and first payment  
* [TAN-1382]  Warning Message on Weekly Line Of Credit Business Code \(1% Principal \+ Interest\)  
* [TAN-1381]  Remove depreciated SQL features  
* [TAN-1380]  Accounts settled on 1st with the intitial interest charge covering multiple months incorrect interest in adv date set  
* [TAN-1377]  Periodic processing - chargecode blank on generated transaction  
* [TAN-1375]  Contrib mortgages - Pmt to mortgage causing pmt to Manually paid IC. Insufficient funds in Amount Paid.  
* [TAN-1372]  Interest run fails when zero balance account encountered  
* [TAN-1370]  Duplicate IP generated when Investor has two amounts invested in the same mortgage  
* [TAN-1369]  Interest in Advance with Pro rata 1st pmt and fixed anniversary day - Incorrect interest charge when activated  
* [TAN-1368]  Investigate Arrears after Pen and Fee entries added to schedule  
* [TAN-1366]  Issue importing new LOC plus interest accounts  
* [TAN-1365]  Error voiding payment on contrib mortgages when investors swapped in period  
* [TAN-1357]  Business Code CS Setting Hide Interest Rate On Statement - to be added  
* [TAN-1329]  Voiding a transaction - list of available transactions is empty  
* [TAN-1311]  XML import ignoring months in advance when importing the repayment amount  
* [TAN-1281]  Contrib Mortgages - Last day of period incorrect when settled on 1st of month

New Feature

* [TAN-1398]  New Batch Log audit facility
* [TAN-1393]  New subledger calculation method - From Function  
* [TAN-1392]  New FM_BusinessCodeSubledgers column - ShowOnInvitationsOnly  
* [TAN-1364]  New schedule type for debits which generate schedule entry


* [TAN-1390]  New table to store Security and Asset images  
* [TAN-1389]  Performance Improvement for Function  dbo.GetPaymentMethod(L.LoanAccountNumber\)  
* [TAN-1387]  Subsequent invitation generate interest adj if mid period  
* [TAN-1385]  Add SubledgerMultiplier parameter to dbo.Calculate\_Subledger  
* [TAN-1379]  Changes to scalar function DescribeBackupStatus to include warning messages  
* [TAN-1378]  DB changes only - New bit for Dr and Cr TransactionTypes - ClosesAccount  
* [TAN-1376]  Trigger to create Diary entry for changes to Workflow status for both Debtors and Creditors  
* [TAN-1374]  BorrowersOfLoan function should return Primary then other borrowers of loan  
* [TAN-1373]  Add AccountStatus2 to IV\_Accounts to better record closing of accounts  
* [TAN-1371]  Add RelatedPeriodStartDate column to IV Transactions  
* [TAN-1367]  Allow Loans with LOC+Interest repayment method to revert to standard number of repayments after a drawdown.  
* [TAN-1363]  Integration of ad-hoc queries with Google Charts