Tango32 V4.67 Released

April 20, 2022

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.67


* TAN-1563 Interest adjustment generated when fees posted after monthly interest run on last day of month - adj incorrect
* TAN-1562 YTD Balance not appearing on GL Reportwriter in some cases
* TAN-1561 Contrib Quarterly Interest in advance - Pro rata 1st and last - smoothed repayment when no pro rata period - 1st pmt incocrrect
* TAN-1560 Contrib in advance quarterly interest - 1st payment not calculating correct amount \* 3
* TAN-1552 Arrears does not adjust when penalty fee is reversed on LOC accounts


* TAN-1564 New Parameter for Debtor Interest run to turn script run on and off

New Feature

* TAN-1559 Function to return LOC amount due based on Repayment Calc specified