Tango32 V4.84 Released

October 23, 2023

Release notes - Tango Enterprise - 4.84


TAN-1734 Imported Transactions should not charge manual processing fee
TAN-1735 Show helpful error if encryption is not configured properly.
ENT-1702 Add Pay Due - Payment button to Repayment Schedule
ENT-2003 Add CSV template for transaction import based on format described below
ENT-2091 Add investor name and reference to Unallocated Interest Earned Statement page
ENT-2104 Improvements to Document Add/Import forms
ENT-2106 Client/Creditor Correspondence Tab - Add background worker for Form Letter drop down.
ENT-2110 Change ordering of Related clients
ENT-2111 Add BatchType for AssetDisposal
ENT-2113 Improve add responsibility in AddContactWizard
ENT-2114 Interest in advance enhancements for Hi / Lo Interest and mid-period drawdowns.
ENT-2123 Add Business Code Validation to BusinessCodeChange form
ENT-2124 Implement ClearInactiveTabs on Creditor/Debtor Business Code form and SystemSetup
ENT-2125 Change sort order for Funding Details gridview to display by type, account#, startdate
ENT-2126 Inform user when FormLetterEmail process can’t find any email address to send email to
ENT-2127 Improve handling of empty postcode values
ENT-2128 Selecting Transaction to void should set Transaction date to match the original transaction date
ENT-2131 Add Period being paid to dbo.GetInvestorInterestEarned
ENT-2136 Improved readability of Funding Actual Interest gridview
ENT-2138 Add Who can run to Adhoc select showing security role assigned.
ENT-2146 Change description on Creditor Interest projection and exclude negative interest from Report.
ENT-2147 Ensure default start date of subledger is set to settlement date if the date is not set or set to an earlier date
ENT-2155 Flag creditor business codes to be ignored by Interest processing
ENT-2156 Ability to specify the interest cycle common period for creditor interest processing
ENT-2157 Add SystemLog entry when an adhoc query is Insert/Update/Delete
ENT-2158 Add Security Valuation Method to XML import
ENT-2159 Add Location Category to Real estate Security Address section
ENT-2160 Message after deleting client record about unsaved data
ENT-2162 Add RelationshipToSecurity to XML export and FM_Security
ENT-2169 Creditor Wizard - Auto set First payment date and maturity date based on business code settings
ENT-2172 Receipt allocation - Change fee summary to column
ENT-2176 Investment Customer Statements and InterestRun don’t filter by selected branches

New Feature

TAN-1712 Phoenix Reports - Commercial Daybook Report
TAN-1713 Phoenix Reports - Disbursement Summary Commercial
TAN-1714 Phoenix Reports - Form of Sale Report
ENT-2115 Job to charge higher interest charge if account in arrears on day 7
ENT-2168 Add Role/Menu Audit Report


ENT-2063 ReportParameters at top of report not honoring system level HideReportParameters setting
ENT-2100 Investment rollover generating IP when interest is being paid but not the corresponding IC for the interest
ENT-2103 Exception on Debtor Classifications Tab
ENT-2105 Exception in ImportRepayments
ENT-2107 Fix error messages in dbo.Get_Next_Batch_Number
ENT-2108 Delinquency by Introducer Report - No Introducer shown on report.
ENT-2109 Missing Clearing and Reoccuring subledgers for inertia transactions on Debtor Business codes
ENT-2112 Exception in BatchShow
ENT-2116 Mid period Interest charges when paid cause incorrect interest credits to some investors
ENT-2117 Interest Projection for Contrib mortgages incorrect
ENT-2120 Exception when performing refinance/recovery
ENT-2122 Databinding exception caused by clearInactiveTabs
ENT-2129 Deadlock on interest run contrib
ENT-2130 Deadlock in SearchDebtorVertical
ENT-2132 Exception in Adhoc Select - Run
ENT-2133 VOIDs of Creditor transactions which generated Payment table entry not clearing the payment entry
ENT-2135 Debtor Transaction Audit report ignoring Transaction type filtering when Reversals/Dishonours is selected.
ENT-2139 Contrib Interest In arrears IP being generated when mortgage payment posted not matching IC
ENT-2140 Contrib in Arrears - No allocation when pmt on same day as interest charge
ENT-2141 Deadlock on interest run - Contrib mortgage
ENT-2142 Security forms and controls does not seem to be setting default and remember values successfully
ENT-2143 Error in function dbo.DescribeLoanSubledgerDates
ENT-2144 Interest held in Clearing account not being rolled into new investment account
ENT-2145 Interest summary provided by the table value function DBO.ProjectIVInterestTable inaccurate for Anniversary cycle
ENT-2148 Subledger start date being set via the wizard based on the starting month in the subledger definition.
ENT-2149 Exception in BSB Update
ENT-2150 Exception in DebtorAccountShow Interest Tab - Change Interest Rate
ENT-2151 Exception in Debtor Account Show Direct Debit Tab
ENT-2152 Exception in ReturnOnLoansReport
ENT-2153 Exception in Direct Debits Form
ENT-2154 Deadlock Exception in Debtor Change Interest Rate Wizard
ENT-2161 Completed Loans Report - Error when business code comparison us used
ENT-2163 Client Show State/Postcode not updated under certain circumstances when changing suburb
ENT-2164 Creditor Wizard has interest cycles from hard coded list - missing new interest cycles
ENT-2165 Cannot add new security directly to debtor account
ENT-2166 PostCodeShow - ObjectDisposedException
ENT-2170 Completed Loans Report appears to always include Criteria for Classification9 BDM
ENT-2173 Creditor Investment Type - Cycle not showing on Investment tab of Creditor - Make readonly also
ENT-2174 Interest Type and Interest Cycle - From Business code and InterestType table required for selecting accounts for interes
ENT-2175 Duplicate key error when processing debtor interest run
ENT-2177 Creditor - Investment with multi month cycle not generating Payment table entry for IP generated to clear IC


ENT-2084 Increase length of label for GP fields to 40 characters