November 27, 2024
Release notes - Tango Enterprise - 4.95
ENT-2550 Improvements to Debtor Import Repayments
ENT-2578 Ability to lock assigned collector
ENT-2673 Implement Equifax CCR v4
ENT-2676 Link Loan Securities on Refinance/Recovery
ENT-2680 Refactor DataManipulation.DataTable2CSV to use Devexpress Workbook export for csv
ENT-2684 Extend trace bank account matching
ENT-2692 Creditor Responsibility type should be driven from table - IV_Responsibilities
ENT-2694 Fix and adjust width of asset related buttons
ENT-2698 Add new settings for interest runs
ENT-2699 Add PPSR Registration form open from Debtor Processing Menu
ENT-2700 Update Interest runs to use new settings for MaxConcurrency
ENT-2701 Fixed Responsibility spelling
ENT-2714 Update SR_Statuses colour column
ENT-2718 PPSR improvements
ENT-2719 DebtorAccountShow - Move GetArrearsAmount into background worker
ENT-2720 Investigate Performance Issues in NetBalance calculation
ENT-2725 Improve performance in dbo.IsVoidTable for very large transaction tables.
ENT-2728 Debtor Statement Form - Improve speed of closing the form
ENT-2729 Improve performance of Debtor Statement form.
ENT-2730 Form Letters Refactor
ENT-2732 Improvements to Customer Statement Parameters
ENT-2733 PPSR interface improvements. Flag fields which cause amendment. DIsable Registration button after registration
ENT-2734 Removed unused forms
ENT-2737 Improvements to FM_Asset Insurance Details
ENT-2740 New Client and Asset Columns
ENT-2741 Refactor debtor customer statements to allow for individual clients
ENT-2743 Show Chargecode and Description in Form letter select
ENT-2744 Form Letters - Validation Improvements
ENT-2745 FormLettersSelect - Add AssignedBranchIDs column
ENT-2747 Debtor Transaction Type - Validate FormLetterID
ENT-2752 PPSR Configuration Improvements
ENT-2755 Debtor Interest run performance improvements for large account numbers
ENT-2761 Improvements to DiaryReminders
ENT-2766 Change Export to xlsx to allow increase in rows exported
ENT-2767 Allow null input on Debtor Subledger and BusinessCode Show form
ENT-2772 Update CrossRefs to ensure PrimaryBorrower is flagged
ENT-2774 Increase GL Account# from 8 characters to 20 characters
ENT-2775 Add Collection Agency fields
ENT-2779 SMS / FormLetter Triggered by TransactionType filters via Account / Business Code flags
ENT-2783 Disable Customize Layout if possible
ENT-2784 Weekly and Fortnightly anniversary Debtor interest runs. Ensure missed periods are processed
ENT-2787 Debtor Business Code - Add missing Fortnightly Interest Frequency
ENT-2788 Add “Anniversary Day Offset” to improve flexibility of timing of anniversary day interest runs
ENT-2789 Add new schedule types for variations and adjustments
ENT-2794 Improve performance of AccountsInDefaultDetails
ENT-2798 Improvements to Account Activity Validation
ENT-2801 Add FM_Assets.RegistrationState
ENT-2803 Restrict Debtor Interest run form from Opening Multiple Times
ENT-2804 Debtor Statement - Prompt to save to document library always showing behind main form.
New Feature
ENT-2467 Add FormLetterID to TransactionTypes and Subledgers to enable posted transactions to add FormLetter Queue items
ENT-2558 Add `LastModified` columns to help with change tracking
ENT-2665 Branch isDisabled BIT
ENT-2666 Restrict formletter to branch list
ENT-2678 Automation Service - Debtor Customer Statement Generation
ENT-2688 Automation Service - Form Letters
ENT-2690 Automation Service - Debtor Interest Run
ENT-2691 Automation Service - SMS Messages
ENT-2727 Automation Service - Collection House
ENT-2674 Collections House Extract (C5)
ENT-2417 Direct Debit process processing the same account for both Credit card and Debit account payments
ENT-2555 Generating Formletter which has charge code assigned not generating corresponding transaction
ENT-2605 Exception on downloading/running client update under certain circumstances
ENT-2634 Issue with DPV payout calculation
ENT-2689 Exception in CreditorPayUnitHolders ValidateData
ENT-2693 Exception in FormletterEmail
ENT-2695 Document Library migration check should only check imported documents
ENT-2696 Add Document causes exception for Debtor Asset Library
ENT-2697 Unit Holder distribution caused exception
ENT-2705 Exception in GLReportImport
ENT-2706 Exception in Debtor ImportRepayments
ENT-2707 Exception in SubledgerTemplatesSelect
ENT-2708 Exception in SubledgerTemplatesShow
ENT-2709 Exception in BSBImport
ENT-2710 Exception in ClientImport
ENT-2711 Collation error in Import_AgencyResponse
ENT-2712 Asset dispose button always disabled
ENT-2716 Exception in BudgetCosts BatchShow
ENT-2717 Exception in BudgetCosts BatchSelect
ENT-2721 Exception in Client Bank Details Tab
ENT-2724 Creditor Investments where IC accumulate do not generate IC transaction after the 1st month.
ENT-2726 Exception in Service Broker Job Status
ENT-2735 Direct debit method incorrectly shows as “Manual” when Loan has a Bank Account ID instead of overridden bank account details
ENT-2739 FM_Loans_With_MissingRepaymentMethods needs to be updated to ignore Client Payment method.
ENT-2748 Deadlock in Debtor Interest run
ENT-2751 Deadlock Creditor Interest run
ENT-2753 Get_Company_Label returning extra spaces in CompanyAddress
ENT-2756 Customer Statements missing page break
ENT-2759 LogTableChanges trigger function is logging changes to columns even when they are unchanged
ENT-2764 Form Letter Fees not honoring Fee Type and ChargeFeesAsDebits
ENT-2765 Collation error in Update_From_XML
ENT-2769 Investigate Charge_FormLetterFee/Charge_FormLetterFeeToQueue usage of MaxChargesPerMonth MaxChargesEver
ENT-2771 Linking existing client set new client to Primary borrower
ENT-2773 Vin Validation Status not displaying data
ENT-2777 SMS/FormLetter template/letter filter not applied on form open
ENT-2778 SMS Queue - Send does not process all selected items
ENT-2791 Debtor Interest run - Monthly Anniversary when based around instalment date - Incorrectly selecting last day of month
ENT-2795 BranchesSelect - Not showing all branches
ENT-2796 Exception in LoanActivityReport
ENT-2797 Exception in Debtor Security Tab - GetAssetLVR