December 18, 2024
Release notes - Tango Enterprise - 4.96
ENT-2549 Validation of batches - No valid payment method
ENT-2576 Direct Debit Form - Remembered form values which are not displayed prevent some functions from operating as expected
ENT-2629 Improve Role Permission Audit
ENT-2630 Limit Creditor Interest payment processing to logged in Branch(es)
ENT-2731 PPSR - Enhancements - Discharge Button required on Registration Form
ENT-2746 New Payment Method Lookup table
ENT-2760 Hardship UI Changes
ENT-2762 Diary Event Types
ENT-2776 Implement Collection House Export/Import
ENT-2781 Add Expired Asset Insurance to Insurance Renewal Elist
ENT-2786 Bulk Debtor Customer Statement Add SelectByNextStatementDate
ENT-2802 Diary Reminder Show - Add EventTypeId
ENT-2805 Debtor Transaction Import - Disable Save to Create batch and Import after success
ENT-2807 Add Assigned By and Reassigned By UserFields to DE_EmployeeAssignments
ENT-2813 Variation form to allow negative amount due to allow for Arrears adjustments greater than zero.
ENT-2814 Repair Schedule to allows negative amount paid to be applied to a negative amount due
ENT-2816 Discharge Asset when expiry date is prior to today - PPSR Error
ENT-2824 dbo.SelectRegistrationSummaryTable - Add Account Completion Date, Asset Disposal Date
ENT-2825 Add new IgnoreParameterAttribute for use in ParameterBase
ENT-2830 dbo.GetScheduledPaymentFrequency should not include fee-related entries created by subledgers
ENT-2833 Export Additional Fields in CH Extract
ENT-2834 PPSR - Review PPSRException to make sure all fault details are covered
ENT-2835 Include labels for GeneralPurposeBit columns in view FM_GeneralPurposeLabels
ENT-2837 Add Tool tip to dishonour and payment fee dropdown
ENT-2840 Debtor Correspondence Tab - Add LastStatementDate and NextStatementDate
ENT-2841 Debtor Business Code - Add StatementCycleID
ENT-2842 Add flag to enabled/disable CostCentre Insert/Update on Client Postal Address Change
ENT-2843 Update_From_XML_Clients - Address fields should be imported uppercase
ENT-2844 Update NextStatementDate/LastStatementDate in DebtorStatementService
ENT-2852 Imported Lease account - PI and repayment differences based on Deferred GST applied upfront
ENT-2864 Add new fields for Employer Address
ENT-2865 PPSR - Handle RegistrationTokensResetType
ENT-2878 Improve performance of Search Keyword Generation
ENT-2879 VedaARCAExport - Add progress indicator
New Feature
ENT-2671 Bulk User Task Reassignment
ENT-2683 Hardship (CMT)
ENT-2496 Exception in FormRibbonMain.InformationCheck
ENT-2545 Customer Statement report opening on different monitor
ENT-2790 Exception in AssetShow
ENT-2799 SYS diary notes can be deleted after the whoentered is changed to assign a user when ShowInTaskList=1
ENT-2806 Import Repayments doesn’t Refresh Batch Select
ENT-2808 Transaction Audit report not setting correct transaction type filtering options
ENT-2815 AddDebtorDocuments - Load not enabled on open if documents outstanding
ENT-2817 PPSR Disposal - Asset status not being updated
ENT-2818 Asset Show - PPSR Setting Registration end date causing incorrect date validation error
ENT-2819 Output Path button not working on Experian Export form
ENT-2820 PPSR Error - After registration saving to Asset causes exception
ENT-2821 Exception in Creditor ProcessNewAccounts
ENT-2822 New Gross #2 format missing from General Statement Settings format dropdown list
ENT-2826 Investment Account activation Deadlocks
ENT-2827 Unit Holder distribution validation check preventing distribution of funds
ENT-2828 PPSRSearch - Exception when search triggered when grid empty
ENT-2829 PPSR - Error in Secured Party Group Update
ENT-2836 PPSR registration exception
ENT-2838 Exception Bulk Debtor Customer Statements Form
ENT-2839 Adhoc query list not updating when a new query is added
ENT-2846 Exception in BusinessCodeChange Import CSV
ENT-2847 Exception in ProcessFormLetterCompletion
ENT-2849 Form Letters Diary Reminders always created with Emailed message
ENT-2850 Insert_FormLetterDiaryReminder not including dollar sign in dairy reminder
ENT-2854 Deadlock in Select_Loan_Summary
ENT-2855 Debtor Customer Statements - Double diary notes created when emailing
ENT-2856 GetNextStatementDate not calculating correct dates
ENT-2857 Payout quote shown on account should match payout quote generated when discount rate applicable
ENT-2858 Debtor Customer Statements not using correct Business Code Settings in bulk run
ENT-2859 Debtor/Creditor Interest Runs - Include status/source/type when getting MasterBatchNumber
ENT-2860 Refactor GetOrAddPostCodeID to only filter by country when its supplied
ENT-2862 Exception in SecurityExport
ENT-2863 Automated Service - Exception in Email Service
ENT-2869 DRP File has invalid signature when fewer than 3 detail lines
ENT-2871 Exception in SMSTemplatesShow
ENT-2872 Exception in SystemTables
ENT-2875 Asset Show - New Asset PPSR Retrieve Registration not enabled when Token/RegistrationNumber entered
ENT-2876 Exception in Address Editor