
Tango32 V4.80 Released

Release notes - Tango - 4.80 Improvement TAN-1692 Loan Transaction Audit. Flag to use transaction date to determine business code and branch TAN-1693 Business Code Changes Report - Add Month To Date Fees column TAN-1694 Expand CostCentre Description to VARCHAR(120) TAN-1698 Changes to Login TAN-1702 Contrib Mortgage - Reversed pmt should generate reversal of allocations TAN-1703 New Settings for Unit Holder Distributions Bug TAN-1696 Contributory Swaps - Rate for swap in should match rate of swap out TAN-1697 Calculation for Avg Unit balance for period does not appear to be correct TAN-1700 Deadlocks on Investor Processing TAN-1701 Contrib Interest in Advance - Double interest when Invitation activated TAN-1704 Deadlock running debtor interest run

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Tango32 V4.79 Released

Release notes - Tango - 4.79 Improvement TAN-1685 Increase FM_BusinessCode Description length TAN-1689 New Subledger flag - Undrawn funds TAN-1690 XML elements for Tango Import SP Bug TAN-1686 Deadlock in dbo.Process_Monthly_Interest TAN-1687 Loan Summary using backdated business code should include accounts even if current branch for account not included TAN-1688 Phoenix to Tango import error TAN-1691 Imported account has incorrect repayment schedule until Recalc executed

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Tango32 V4.78 Released

Release notes - Tango - 4.78 Improvement TAN-1684 NEW DPV plus Net plus MTD Interest Payout Method

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Tango32 V4.77 Released

Release notes - Tango - 4.77 Improvement TAN-1649 Change grant_privilege% functions to honor the schemas named in dbo.ProtectedSchemas TAN-1677 Ability to exclude excess pmt entry - final entry in schedule with zero amount due but non zero amount paid from Arrears TAN-1678 Exclude Excess pmt amount from Arrears calculation TAN-1679 Unit holder disbursement calculation improvements TAN-1680 Add new Payout Method DPV plus Accrued Interest Bug TAN-1674 dbo.

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Tango32 V4.76 Released

Release notes - Tango - 4.76 Improvement TAN-1655 Add Business code filter to Credit Agency Export report TAN-1661 Business code change - Loan Transfer process - balances stored should be processing date minus 1 day TAN-1666 Export format definition - Add new column - AutoAddBalancingEntry TAN-1667 Interest Run should update Delinquency History Table regardless of “Process All Loans” setting TAN-1670 Preserve schedule entries on Line of Credit after Repair Schedule if isVariation = true TAN-1671 Add Paid In Full only option to Completed loans Report Bug TAN-1643 Fix grammatical error on message “Account# does not a valid payment method” TAN-1650 Posting reactivation drawdown to account - cannot save- prompt null deed of priority - message cannot post to completed accounts TAN-1654 DPV payout should include gross repayment amount and not net when calculating PV TAN-1660 Tango Enterprise Interest run locking for Interest in advance TAN-1662 Incorrect Repayment due in IO when multiple negative drawdowns applied in same period TAN-1664 Weekly LOC net balance plus interest - incorrect scheduled repayments after repair TAN-1668 FM_Loans.

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Tango32 V4.75 Released

Release notes - Tango - 4.75 Improvement TAN-1644 Improvements to Tango XML Schema TAN-1645 DB changes only - NEW creditor business code and Creditor account bit flags TAN-1652 New Asset Category lookup list for Asset details TAN-1656 DB changes only - LinkedCreditorAccountNumber1, LinkedCreditorAccountNumber2 TAN-1657 Add Period field for R11 term extension transaction type to Transaction entry TAN-1658 Display Account Number in dropdown when assigning bank accounts for direct debit process TAN-1659 New Security Valuation Method dropdown with System Table list Bug TAN-1647 IO arrears Payout quote includes interest when payout quote as at date same as last interest run date

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Tango32 V4.74 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.74 Improvement TAN-1630 Store Interest rate in history table with reference to Interest rate schedule at month end processing TAN-1628 New data fields for FM_Assets table - DB Changes only Improvement TAN-1633 Fees which had bit set - Charged with Payout should be included in Payout quote calcs TAN-1637 Change reversal logic for Writeoff Reversals - Trantype2 should reflect the L transaction TAN-1639 Add FinalRepaymentIsBalloon column to FM_Loans to work in the same way as FM_BusinessCodes.

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Tango32 V4.73 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.73 Bug TAN-1634 Include new asset fields in Update from XML TAN-1631 Deadlock in Monthly Interest run TAN-1629 Investigate whether Business code settings for Partial discharge of assets and partial discharge of assets transactions are utilised TAN-1627 RV amount not being moved to end of term when term extension drawdown applied for weekly LOC net plus interest TAN-1626 Cannot post R11 transactions Improvement TAN-1630 Store Interest rate in history table with reference to Interest rate schedule at month end processing TAN-1628 New data fields for FM_Assets table - DB Changes only

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Tango32 V4.72 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.72 Bug * TAN-1624 R5 - Term extension - Ext creates incorrect schedule entries. * TAN-1620 IO in arrears - Pro rata first and last - incorrect repayment schedule when account settles on last day of month * TAN-1619 R5 extension not working in some instances * TAN-1618 R5 loan extension method not updating fm\_loans.Term of the account when the term is extended * TAN-1617 Repayment amount incorrect in 1st repayment changed after negative drawdown * TAN-1616 Function - Interest Accrued since last interest run returning an interest amount for in advance for period interest already charged to account * TAN-1615 Debtor account search returning clients not linked to accounts since version 4.

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Tango32 V4.71 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.71 Bug * TAN-1604 Error in XML Import: Update\_From\_XML:Invalid column name 'EngineNumber'. * TAN-1599 Possible issue with date showing as pmt update after when a rate change is processed * TAN-1598 Issues with Receipt allocation * TAN-1596 Error in Investment Statements * TAN-1588 Error during Tango Enterprise Interest run * TAN-1595 Arrears History shows Incorrect Days in Arrears when Debit Fee is reversed out in succeeding month * ENT-1865 Error posting drawdown during final period of IO Loan * TAN-1603 RAR Interest Paid incorrectly affected by reversal of payment from prior month * ENT-1882 Document library - Changing account# causes document to not be found Improvement * TAN-1601 Split Direct debit processing into separate batches based on User ID, Bank Account combination * TAN-1594 Expand email template description to 100 characters * TAN-1592 Expand column widths for FM\_Employers * TAN-1593 "Prevent Future Interest Charges" is being incorrectly set for IO-ADV accounts with multiple month first payments * ENT-1876 Debtor Customer Statements - Add IncludeWithTransactionsOnly flag * ENT-1880 Improve GL Batch Validation * ENT-1883 Improve Account# and Client# Validation * ENT-1899 - Clear security settings for blank control names New Feature * TAN-1589 Allow Creditor Form letters to use Date range from and to rather than As At Date * TAN-1590 Equifax Credit Reporting V3

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