
Tango32 V4.14 Released

Bugs Fixed [TAN-196] - Null BSB or Bank or Branch info causes Transaction Receipt/Deposit listing to fail [TAN-193] - Incorrect rounding of GST on sub ledgers applied to residuals [TAN-191] - Residual Value not showing at bottom of schedule [TAN-189] - Defer Payments in DD Screen out by one day [TAN-188] - Statement Output Format does not save on Customer Statement Form [TAN-187] - Copy Business Code Doesn’t Migrate some columns

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Tango32 V4.13 Released

Bugs fixed [TAN-87] - Error when generating direct debit when a loan has multiple Clients, one of which is not a main borrower. [TAN-93] - Annual Fee Charging 1 month past anniversary [TAN-98] - ‘Account’ button on Investment Transaction entry opens wizard and not Account Search [TAN-111] - Unticking ‘Direct Debit’ causes crash on save when ‘autopay’ enabled [TAN-114] - Direct Debit Varation not ordering with active on top

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Tango32 V4.12 Released

Fixes TAN-54 Repayment Variations not applied properly via API TAN-68 Connection not disposed properly on logoff under certain circumstances TAN-74 Doubling of IC transaction on Payout of Investment - 2 main investors TAN-76 Interest run may be generating Variations on accounts from Imported data TAN-80 Change in ongoing fee Subledger doesn’t flow to DD screen TAN-86 Interest rate change cleared repayment schedule amount due TAN-96 Partial Swap not creating remainder entries in Funding details

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Tango32 V4.11 Released

LOANS Fixes Fix calculation of next due date when account is in advance and arrears have been set to calculate from the as at date rather than the day after. P & I Report should ignore “Disable Arrears” settings (Tango / Tan-40) Monthly Chargeable subledgers were appearing in PI report twice Fix NULL value when exporting loan payments to creditors When reversing a payout, clear disposal settings on any assets disposed as part of the original payout Loan Direct debits now checks creditor available funds if paying via Creditor Fix problem where rate change causes new direct debit amount to appear one month early for variations Fix bug which un-smoothed repayment amounts during rate change on IO loans with smoothed repayments Fix first payment amount for interest in advance loans with common anniversary day Rate change on interest only in advance was starting one day too late in schedule Fix incorrect calculation of unallocated Principal, Interest and Charges on the receipt allocation report.

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Tango32 V4.10 Released

LOANS Fixes “Create Multiple Form letters” - Only exclude an account if all borrowers have “Do Not Solicit” =1. Previously skipped if only one borrower had “Do Not Solicit”=1. Also improved performance. Fix error posting transaction via xml: “Error converting data type nvarchar to int.” Fix BSB formatting error for EzDebit export. Enforce unique Account# in FM_Loans Internal API Function GetCSTransactionInfo - now handle nulls properly. Internal API Function GetClientLoanAddress - Fix client long loan address problem with multiple accounts

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Tango32 V4.09 Released

LOANS Fixes Payout Quote should use AsAtDate when calculating “At Completion” subledgers Don’t smooth out schedule in IO loans imported via XML Fix Veda XML Export Payment hub - fix incorrect payment reference when using non-consoidated batches Fix incorrect schedule generated when posting initial drawdown to zero balance LOC account when drawdown is set to extend term RepairSchedule now recreates schedule properly on LOC accounts Fix error in projected maturity date

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Tango32 Version 4.08 Released

LOANS Fixes When displaying Borrower Names on most reports, only include those borrowers who receive correspondence. (E.g. Loan Activity Report) Fix infinite loop in some situations when adjusting a repayment schedule. Fix bug which omitted middle name while importing from XML Fix # of payments in arrears & days in arrears when arrears calculated from day after due date. Fix Ezy Debit import errors fix error in “Minimum Amount Due” for regular direct debits affected by interest rate change

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Tango32 Version 4.07 Released

LOANS Fixes Fixed: When posting repayments, system was not ignoring cancelled subledgers related to payments. Fixed Loan Activity Report - “User1” format had “Invalid Column” in “Group By” clause. Fixed Principal & Interest Report which showed incorrect interest date for daily compouding loans Fixed “Loan / Transaction Entry” to automaticalyl update list of batches after entering a new batch of transactions. Fixed error when trying to delete a client with no related loans: “Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted?

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Tango32 Version 4.06 Released

LOANS Fixes Fix invalid repayment calculation method & inaccurate repayment calculations when processing drawdowns on Line-Of-Credit loans. Fix incorrect “Joint Account Indicator” for Referee contacts. Fix auto-increment on “Lot Numbers” when a loan has more than 10 securities. Fix error in API which posted to incorrect GL accounts when debit transactions with charge codes were added via the API. Fix incorrect security settings when an item is secured based on the “General Purpose 1” setting of the loan.

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Tango32 Version 4.05 Released

NOTE - This version includes updates from version 4.04 which was not publicly released. LOANS Fixes If an account settles on the last day of the month and direct debits are deferred, the date of the next direct debit was incorrectly moving to the last day of the month of the deferment. In some situations Regular & Variation Direct Debits were being selected even if the due date was outside the specified date range.

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