
Phoenix - Version 3.60 Released

Bug [PHOEN-583] - Error when logging into database with two workflows assigned to same role/accountdefinition [PHOEN-584] - Login issue when multiple users of same name [PHOEN-585] - Exception in PendApplicationWizard [PHOEN-586] - Minor exception in Application Edit [PHOEN-587] - Exception in Credit Bureau Control [PHOEN-588] - Duplicate Account definitions shown for some Introducers [PHOEN-591] - Handle leak from Application Edit [PHOEN-594] - Plugin Cache not updated with new plugins

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Phoenix - Version 3.59 Released

Bug [PHOEN-374] - Issue opening msg file [PHOEN-536] - Exception when Tools -> Application log is executed [PHOEN-550] - Null Reference Exception in PendApplicationWizard [PHOEN-551] - Exceptionless logging InvalidWorkflowException [PHOEN-552] - Invalid Cast Exception on DataTransfer Open [PHOEN-553] - New account type - build does not display calculator properly [PHOEN-554] - Minor exception in Application Edit [PHOEN-555] - Possible handle leak [PHOEN-556] - Exception in SendEmailWizard [PHOEN-557] - Exception opening account codes plugin

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Phoenix - Version 3.58 Released

Bug [PHOEN-549] - Cannot open email functionality

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Phoenix - Version 3.57 Released

Bug [PHOEN-540] - ABN lookup not recording GST registration date [PHOEN-546] - Unable to edit Individual Guarantor [PHOEN-547] - Exception closing application edit whilst loading [PHOEN-548] - Asset/liability row added with null amount causing exception on Application Save Improvement [PHOEN-545] - Supporting Documents link to Application

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Phoenix - Version 3.56 Released

Bug [PHOEN-517] - Handle leak from Application Edit [PHOEN-518] - Exception causing security codes form not to show [PHOEN-519] - Issue in Application Edit close [PHOEN-520] - Add Applicant Wizard - Exception when searching for an Individual Applicant [PHOEN-521] - Application Edit - Unable to Change Account Definition [PHOEN-522] - ABN Lookup - Do not populate GSTRegisteredDate when GSTExpiresDate is expired [PHOEN-523] - Application Load - Error when no last opened user

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Phoenix - Version 3.55 Released

Bug [PHOEN-509] - clear remembered database if not exists in drop down [PHOEN-510] - Same contact can be added twice to an application [PHOEN-511] - Exception when moving to workflow state screen with visible false [PHOEN-512] - Release configuration issues New Feature [PHOEN-466] - Add import/export for data transfer processor [PHOEN-515] - New setting to show/hide Previous Address in AddressDetails screen control

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Phoenix - Version 3.54 Released

Bug [PHOEN-503] - Applications that have a Decision applied are not saved [PHOEN-504] - Notes Usability Changes [PHOEN-505] - Error deleting application with checklist entries [PHOEN-507] - Issues with Checklists [PHOEN-508] - Send Email wizard next disabled under certain circumstances Improvement [PHOEN-506] - Add check for reference in checklist/checklistdetail delete

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Phoenix - Version 3.53 Released

Bug [PHOEN-484] - Exception - when changing introducers and selecting a new account definition [PHOEN-487] - Add Applicant Wizard flow issue [PHOEN-488] - Introducer Wizard - changes to account definition ‘export code’ are not saved [PHOEN-489] - Exception in PendApplicationWizard [PHOEN-494] - Some notes created with blank user [PHOEN-497] - Issues with Financial Analysis Calculations [PHOEN-498] - BAS Analysis Calculations [PHOEN-502] - Unable to remove applicant when minimum applicants 1 and only one joint applicant

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Phoenix - Version 3.52 Released

Bug [PHOEN-473] - When an email template is saved user is prompted to save to disk [PHOEN-476] - Checklists not loading [PHOEN-477] - Securities control - Get Address pulls address from first individual applicant, not the main [PHOEN-480] - Email templates not editing and creating properly. [PHOEN-482] - Email embedded images not showing on some email clients Improvement [PHOEN-475] - Update Phoenix to .Net 4.7.2 [PHOEN-478] - Add ToProper to DataManipulation functions

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Phoenix - Version 3.51 Released

Bug [PHOEN-465] - DateEdit minimum date not validating min/max dates properly [PHOEN-468] - Checklist shows multiple lists when more than one checklist is used in a workflow [PHOEN-471] - Account definition custom field mappings not clearing when column not in newly selected table [PHOEN-472] - Unable to select account definition New Feature [PHOEN-424] - Email templates Improvement [PHOEN-469] - Add update downloader to phoenix [PHOEN-470] - Add ABN Lookup to Add Applicant Wizard

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