Tango32 V4.49 Released
Release notes - Tango - Version 4.49 Bug [TAN-1193] - Tranasction to recomplete the account after payment dishonour [TAN-1195] - Adjust Arrears balance when it exceeds net balance being ignored [TAN-1196] - Payout Quote Error if Business Code has payout penalties, but no subledger specified [TAN-1197] - ODI Charge on Interest Only Mortgage when not in arrears [TAN-1199] - Special Charges posted on a scheduled due date incorrectly create a new schedule entry for the next scheduled due date [TAN-1200] - Partial swap out with multiple swap in investors - transactions not generated between available and primary [TAN-1202] - Opening a Client generates two Null clients in FM_Clients table [TAN-1203] - sp dbo.