
Tango32 V4.49 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.49 Bug [TAN-1193] - Tranasction to recomplete the account after payment dishonour [TAN-1195] - Adjust Arrears balance when it exceeds net balance being ignored [TAN-1196] - Payout Quote Error if Business Code has payout penalties, but no subledger specified [TAN-1197] - ODI Charge on Interest Only Mortgage when not in arrears [TAN-1199] - Special Charges posted on a scheduled due date incorrectly create a new schedule entry for the next scheduled due date [TAN-1200] - Partial swap out with multiple swap in investors - transactions not generated between available and primary [TAN-1202] - Opening a Client generates two Null clients in FM_Clients table [TAN-1203] - sp dbo.

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Tango32 V4.48 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.48 Bug [TAN-1162] - Arrears Allocation incorrect when a negative penalty is posted to the account [TAN-1169] - Investor Statements - Opening balance on second page showing as zero always [TAN-1170] - Gross Statement - showing gross interest and Credit charge subledgers [TAN-1172] - Line of Credit Statement format - error when generating [TAN-1173] - Tango fails to run on Windows Server 2019 [TAN-1174] - VoidThreadID appears to be NULL always in IV_Transactions.

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Tango32 V4.47 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.47 Bug [TAN-1118] - Contrib Mortgages - Investor Statement - Date and Name issue on Primary page of statement [TAN-1119] - Contrib Mortgage - Investor IP out by 1c when investor invested in mortgage more than once [TAN-1122] - Show and hide voids - needs to be toggled before it does what its indicating [TAN-1123] - Bank Account Details not updated after XML import [TAN-1129] - Contributory mortgages - Exclude RV from arrears when determining whether to generate IC and or IP transactions [TAN-1130] - Error when saving security [TAN-1137] - Investor Payment table entry incorrect when Tax deducted [TAN-1138] - Contrib mortgages - Repayment schedule has two many scheduled entries when no initial schedule created [TAN-1139] - Contrib Mortgages - Incorrect Schedule balance after subsequent invitation and drawdown charges [TAN-1141] - Investor Statements - Missing Clearing account end of statement details [TAN-1142] - PI report not showing 1st Interest transaction due - IO Full term [TAN-1143] - Ability to set loan status 2 via Transaction type definition and have status displayed.

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Tango32 V4.46 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.46 Bug [TAN-1080] - Contrib Mortgage - Interest in Advance - Incorrect IC after voiding and reapply Interest and pmt when swap involved. [TAN-1081] - Contrib Mortgages - Unpaid Std interest showing incorrect value [TAN-1082] - Duplicate Subledger transactions for Imported accounts from Phoenix under some circumstances [TAN-1083] - Contrib Mortgages - Interest incorrect in initial period when settling on 1st of month [TAN-1084] - Contrib mortgage - Projection report missing initial interest period [TAN-1088] - Contrib Mortgage - RelatedLoanAccountNumber not being set by Process Invitation [TAN-1090] - Business code setting - charge fees as debit overrides the subledger transaction type when one is set [TAN-1093] - Contrib Mortgage should not pay investor interest for month where no repayment is due [TAN-1094] - Depreciation Closing Balance should be $0 when the asset is disposed [TAN-1095] - Contrib Mortgages - Investor Payment table entry double actual IP amount for some investors [TAN-1096] - Contrib Mortgages - Tax Withheld no longer being deducted from Payment table entry [TAN-1098] - Payout rebate for Interest in Advance - PO should trigger an Interest rebate transaction and not bad debt [TAN-1102] - Creditor - Investment statement - opening balance for clearing accounts should be zero.

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Tango32 V4.45 Released

Bug [TAN-1048] - Contrib mortgages - Swap on last day of period causes interest adjustments. [TAN-1049] - TotalArrears keyword in [Loans] datasource contains syntax error. [TAN-1050] - Deadlock in Post_FM_HeldBatches [TAN-1054] - Debtor Interest run - Invalid use of NULL [TAN-1055] - Monthend Interest report after interest run only showing last two days on the month interest - all being processed [TAN-1056] - Effective start date of subledgers appears to be incorrect [TAN-1058] - Investment Statement - no clearing page if no transactions.

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Tango32 V4.44 Released

Bug [TAN-902] - Schedule balance in Change Schedule after Partial Discharge differs from Balance tab [TAN-906] - Negative Drawdown on Interest anniversary produces incorrect repayment [TAN-997] - Duplicate thread ID’s incorectly created during interest run when monthly fees are charged [TAN-998] - Asset Register incorrectly shows zero total depreciation on fully depreciated asset [TAN-999] - Investor Statements - Headings on Interest page moved up 1 line. [TAN-1000] - Interest only full term - Repayments incorrect when Include RV with last repayment NOT ticked [TAN-1001] - Line of Credit - Repair schedule causes repayment schedule to disappear and single RV pmt to be generated [TAN-1002] - IO repayment schedule incorrect when Include RV with final repayment NOT ticked [TAN-1003] - Contrib Mortgages - Variable days in first period - Incorrect number of pmts and term showing [TAN-1004] - Incorrect Available balance shown on Invitations and Swaps for some Contrib mortgage investors [TAN-1006] - Contrib Mortgages - Interest in Advance - Incorrect pmt date from 2nd pmt when settled on 1st of month [TAN-1007] - Insurance Premium Renewals - Error when running - Invalid Column name InstalmentDate [TAN-1008] - Direct debit processing missing accounts settled on 31st which have a regular set as the last day of the month [TAN-1009] - Interest in Advance payout quote - default date to end of current period - always showing rebate of interest [TAN-1012] - Contrib Mortgages - No Investor PMT in first period for new accounts [TAN-1014] - Error in Client_Search_By_Repayment SP - St.

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Tango32 V4.43 Released

Bug [TAN-935] - Monthly anniversary interest run not processing some accounts [TAN-943] - Remove debug / trace info from dbo.[RefreshMatchingSubledgers] [TAN-981] - Debtor Statement - Consumer format - Error when generating for completed accounts [TAN-982] - Interest in Advance - end of cycle issue when period has 28 days and cycle ends on a day after this. [TAN-983] - Direct Credit - Payment table missing an entry in a period when multiple pmts for same loan are generated to Investor.

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Tango32 V4.42 Released

Bug [TAN-902] - Schedule balance in Change Schedule after Partial Discharge differs from Balance tab [TAN-906] - Negative Drawdown on Interest anniversary produces incorrect repayment [TAN-932] - Change Schedule IO to PI - PI period indicates 1 less pmt than it should. Impacts discharge calcs etc. [TAN-938] - When adding interest in advance loan via wizard, “Term” should show duration of loan in months, not number of payments [TAN-942] - Deadlock in Select_InterestRateChanges [TAN-943] - Remove debug / trace info from dbo.

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Tango PDF creation and email configuration

Tango PDF creation and email configuration. Tango is able to: Convert any report or form letter to PDF format. Send a form letter (or group of form letters) via email. Send customer statements via email. If your version of MS-Word is earlier than "Word 2010", you need to install a utility to convert form letters to PDF. Tango will use either of the following utilities to do the conversion:

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Tango32 V4.41 Released

Bug [TAN-916] - Repayment on IO to PI in PI period in PI business code incorrect after drawdown [TAN-922] - Contrib mortgage - IP generated for some investors incorrect [TAN-924] - Missing interest summary and Int Paid in Narrative when Investor Swap processed [TAN-925] - New Loan# field on Investor transactions - set when Investor account# entered but cleared or not saved [TAN-926] - Investor Statement - Adj entries should be included in Principal Repaid [TAN-928] - Out by 1 pmt - Drawdowns, rate changes and Change schedule [TAN-929] - “Incorrect Syntax” error when logging in, if database name has blank space in it.

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