Tango32 V4.54 Released
Release notes - Tango - Version 4.54 Bug * [TAN-1252] - Diary Reminder Report doesn't allow numerals in "Action Code" criteria * [TAN-1283] - Payout of RV generates Interest and bad debt transactions * [TAN-1288] - Contrib mortgage - allocation of Interest pmt not in correct sequence for some investors * [TAN-1290] - Contrib Mortgages - Pro rata first and last - schedule incorrect after processing invitation * [TAN-1293] - Error when responding yes to Investment Interest rate change via business code * [TAN-1294] - Error when running upgrade scripts via - Development ->Tools -> Run SQL Script * [TAN-1296] - Invalid Authorisation specification message when connecting to Tango db from Windows 10 home * [TAN-1297] - Flat Cancel Doesn't correctly reverse up-front subledgers * [TAN-1299] - Drawdown not updating schedule correctly when more than 1 month from settlement to 1st pmt * [TAN-1300] - Depreciation calculations inconsistent during a leap year.