
Tango32 Version 3.93 Released

Investments Fixed interest balance projection for accounts where interest is paid to investor when due. Fix interest projection report when account starts on the last day of an interest period Modified payout quote on investments where interest is paid to investor rather than being capitalized. The interest credit and interest payment now both show on the payout quote. Loans Prevent changes to the “Outstanding Balance” field on the “Change Schedule” form.

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Tango32 Version 3.91 Released

Loans- Business Codes A new option to specify the number of days after a rate change / interest run to schedule a new repayment calculation when the rate changes. You now have the ability to specify a different number of days for the interest-only and principal portions of a hybrid loan. A new option to preserve any unpaid / overdue entries in the repayment schedule when changing the schedule.

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Tango32 Version 3.90 Released

Loans Fix bug with interest rebates not appearing on payout quotes for accounts that had not yet been through an interest run. Improved the accuracy of the “Change Schedule” option for accounts that are already active. New “RepaymentFrequency” parameter when using the API to create new loans. Fixed “Ambiguous column TransactionDate” error on the Receipt Allocation Report

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Tango32 Version 3.89 Released

Loans New option on subledgers “Include On Receipt Allocation Report” which will treat any transactions for this subledger as Holdback Income on the receipt allocation report. Fixed bug when creating interest only repayment schedules to improve the accuracy of repayment amounts based on the number of days in a month. Fixed inaccuracies in the “Projected Balance” fields on the loan form. Fixed inaccuracies in ODI calculations which were based on the number of days in arrears.

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Tango32 Version 3.88 Released

Loans New bank transaction import format “PayWay”. New fields on Loan form show projected net balance inclusive and exclusive of current months interest. New options on Business code to calculate new repayment amounts after drawdowns and rate variations based on Projected Net Balance Inclusive and Exclusive of current month interest. The Loan Summary Report now has an option to include both ODI and Special charges on the report. Fixed bug in Transaction Audit Report which mistakenly included reversals of special charges in the “Reversals” section instead of the “Special Charges” section.

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Tango32 Version 3.87 Released

Sumary of changes: The “Original Term” of a loan is now recorded for historical purposes. New option to add the “Days of Grace” when working out the arrears balance in ODI calculations. New “Discharge Date” and “Discharge Amount” on Loan Securities. Loan LVR calculations now include “Scheduled” LVR which is based on the scheduled (as opposed to current / net) balance of the loan. New logic to allow the calculation for new repayment amounts to be based on the Scheduled (as opposed to current / net) balance when drawing down additional funds from a loan.

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Version 3.86 Released

Loans New facility to exclude special charges when generating direct debits. To enable this, go into Setup / Business Codes, and tick the box “Direct Debits Exclude Special Charges”. If this option is set at the business code level, it can be disabled for individual loans on the repayment schedule screen by ticking the box “Direct Debits include special charges”. New facility to exclude Residual Values from inertia processing. To enable this, go into Setup / Business Codes and tick the box “Exclude RV from Inertia”.

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Version 3.85 released (26 Oct 2010)

Loans The security log will now be updated if someone changes the “Hold Processing” status of a loan. Fixed a bug which caused monthly fees to be charged on accounts that had a settlement date after the date of the interest run. New import format for CBA “Direct Entry Dishonnor” (MA23) format files. Improved the narrative on interest payments to linked mortgagees.When entering a loan via the wizard, if you switch from an Interest-Only to a non-Interest-Only business code, the system will ask if you want to zero out the “Residual / Balloon” field.

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Version 3.84 Released (19 Oct 2010)

Loans - Interest In Advance If a business code is configured to have “Interest In Advance” loans, the interest cycle logic has been changed so that the cycle starts on the due date for the current repayment, and ends on the day prior to the due date for the next repayment.Fixed inaccuracies when interest in advance was charged on a common day. Loans - Variable Rate There are new form letter fields to record the details of the most recent interest rate change, to assist in creating correspondence about interest rate changes:

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Version 3.83 Released (05 Aug 2010)

Loans There is an option to allow loans to have interest charged to the account on the anniversary day of the loan rather than the last day of the month. This version ensures that interest charges will be charged on the correct day for interest-in-advance loans. New subledger option for subledgers that are charged when a loan completes to only charge the subledger for writeoff transactions instead of for all loan-completion transactions such as payouts.

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