
Tango32 V4.59 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.59 Bug * TAN-1419 Some differences between payout amount shown on balance tab and payout quote * TAN-1418 Tango crashes when viewing the balance tab of a completed account * TAN-1413 Allow XML import to match Asset Item Type on either Item Code or Description * TAN-1412 Contrib mortgage - Investor statement incorrect after swap and auto interest adj for both swap in and out * TAN-1411 Contrib Mortgages - Older interest pmts can be missed when a discharge or swap occurs in a past period * TAN-1410 Posting a manual interest transaction to contrib account can cause additional allocation to investors of combined amounts.

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Tango32 V4.58 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.58 Bug * [TAN-1401] Strange behaviour when processing invitation - showing Main Account for on contract tab * [TAN-1399] Incorrect interest charge generated for initial period of some interest in advance accounts * [TAN-1397] dbo.GetBorrowersTable returns NULL Name under certain circumstances * [TAN-1396] Contrib mortgage - Partial discharge interest adj narrative shows incorrect period for adj dates * [TAN-1395] Partial discharges generating principal repayment entry matching revised RV entry.

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Tango32 V4.57 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.57 Bug * [TAN-1311] - XML import ignoring months in advance when importing the repayment amount * [TAN-1329] - Voiding a transaction - list of available transactions is empty * [TAN-1335] - New option for simple interest to be based on Opening Gross Interest Balance rather than Current Gross Interest Balance * [TAN-1340] - Export from Phoenix fails when trying to update existing Tango client record.

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Tango32 V4.56 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.56 Bug * [TAN-1317] - IV batch showing as duplicate - appears to be an issue withe IV_held batches view * [TAN-1318] - Improve performance of "Special Charge Summary" section of Loans Form when Penalty Debits are enabled * [TAN-1321] - Reversal of pmt results in reversal of GST with 1c difference between original GST and reversal GST transaction * [TAN-1322] - Contrib interest in arrears - pro rata period for last pmt - narrative shows full period * [TAN-1323] - Interest only with Pro rata 1st and last and smoothed in full period - incorrect smooth repayment amount * [TAN-1325] - Batch was hidden due to TransType being set to I - manually entered batch * [TAN-1326] - Asset Register - Depreciation MTD logic * [TAN-1327] - Payout Method - NPV Method - correct handling of penalties and odi * [TAN-1332] - Interest in Advance accounts being ignored by Interest run * [TAN-1333] - Wizard error when setting up new account - Invalid column name SheduleID * [TAN-1334] - Imported Interest inAdvance setting incorrect 1st payment amount * [TAN-1337] - Issue running Anniversary day interest run on investment accounts * [TAN-1338] - Chargeable subledger added to loan after activation permanently increases opening balance even after deletion * [TAN-1339] - Interest rate change on new Line of Credit plus interest sets all repayments to be the same New Feature * [TAN-1328] - New SP to update branch user * [TAN-1330] - New Weekly Interest cycle for Loans * [TAN-1331] - New Line of Credit repayment method - Line of Credit method + Interest for period Improvement * [TAN-1324] - Further validation to XML import - RepaymentVariationStart * [TAN-1336] - New setting to control transaction available to completed accounts

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Tango32 V4.55 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.55 Bug * [TAN-1303] - New account with blank schedule and non monthly repayment frequency - drawdown creates monthly schedule. * [TAN-1311] - XML import ignoring months in advance when importing the repayment amount * [TAN-1317] - IV batch showing as duplicate - appears to be an issue withe IV_held batches view * [TAN-1319] - Transaction mirroring using Part Payment generating incorrect amount * [TAN-1320] - Creating a new loan may incorrectly update FM_Loans.

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Tango32 V4.54 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.54 Bug * [TAN-1252] - Diary Reminder Report doesn't allow numerals in "Action Code" criteria * [TAN-1283] - Payout of RV generates Interest and bad debt transactions * [TAN-1288] - Contrib mortgage - allocation of Interest pmt not in correct sequence for some investors * [TAN-1290] - Contrib Mortgages - Pro rata first and last - schedule incorrect after processing invitation * [TAN-1293] - Error when responding yes to Investment Interest rate change via business code * [TAN-1294] - Error when running upgrade scripts via - Development ->Tools -> Run SQL Script * [TAN-1296] - Invalid Authorisation specification message when connecting to Tango db from Windows 10 home * [TAN-1297] - Flat Cancel Doesn't correctly reverse up-front subledgers * [TAN-1299] - Drawdown not updating schedule correctly when more than 1 month from settlement to 1st pmt * [TAN-1300] - Depreciation calculations inconsistent during a leap year.

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Tango32 V4.53 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.53 Bug [TAN-1254] - IO-ADV accounts- setting Extend io term when interest charge posted causing issues with interest in advance date [TAN-1255] - Error running - Report ->Classifications -> Classification Analysis [TAN-1258] - Remove need for DBCC CHECKIDENT in Tango Upgrade Scripts [TAN-1261] - Investor Statements - Interest paid and Closing balance incorrect in summary section [TAN-1262] - Contrib Mortgages Interest in Arrears - Voiding Transactions and Reapply Interest causing operational issues [TAN-1265] - Contrib Interest in arrears - Mortgage interest pmt not generating interest pmt to all investors [TAN-1267] - Add new column to view IV_Accounts_By_Client - Client Responsibility [TAN-1270] - Investor Statements generated from Investor - incorrect Interest paid amounts.

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Tango32 V4.52 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.52 This is a maintenance release to keep in-sync with Tango Enterprise V4.52 Bug NONE New Feature NONE Improvement NONE

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Tango32 V4.51 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.51 Bug [TAN-1210] - Duplicate Rows in FM_LoansHistory for Anniversary Day Loans [TAN-1240] - Tables/Views created using different schema under certain circumstances [TAN-1241] - Payout quote showing Plus outstanding Arrears twice [TAN-1243] - Arrears counters inaccurate in some instances [TAN-1245] - Error “Operation is not allowed when the object is closed” when clicking Arrears Details button on Loan Form [TAN-1246] - Add New account button opens a blank loan account and not the loan Wizard New Feature [TAN-1244] - Employee table new columns - Enterprise db change only [TAN-1247] - New More Settings - Disable Client based Payment method - Enterprise only implementation [TAN-1248] - Table Value function to return payment method Improvement [TAN-824] - Enterprise Delinquency report definition changes [TAN-1024] - Contrib Mortgage - Partial, full and Pro rata discharge - Interest in advance [TAN-1242] - Client Diary Reminder Action Codes - new enterprise only table FM_ClientActionCodes

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Tango32 V4.50 Released

Release notes - Tango - Version 4.50 Bug [TAN-1210] - Duplicate Rows in FM_LoansHistory for Anniversary Day Loans [TAN-1215] - Remove “NULL AGGREGATE” warning messages when importing from XML [TAN-1216] - Swapped in investors - narrative date range out by 1 day - 1 day too early [TAN-1220] - Contrib mortgage - Incorrect duplicate allocation [TAN-1223] - Contrib Mortgage Swap - Null error - no transactions generated between Unallocated and Primary [TAN-1224] - Tango Classification1 Sorting Order [TAN-1226] - Contrib mortgages - Unpaid Std Interest showing balance when Unpaid Interest is zero [TAN-1228] - Contrib mortgage - Unpaid interest balance zero when should be balance of interest [TAN-1229] - Error running insurance renewal report - Invalid Column name Classification2 [TAN-1230] - Contrib Mortgages - Payment table entry 0 for month when multiple months paid [TAN-1231] - Contrib Mortgages - Swap Exception [TAN-1232] - Incorrect Interest Adjustment for account with multiple swaps in period [TAN-1233] - Creating a swap and discharge on same account on same day causes incorrect processing [TAN-1234] - Interest adj should reduce Total Interest Charged [TAN-1236] - Update formletters if Mergefield is changed [TAN-1237] - Direct Debit processing - Picking up all accounts when middle option ticked [TAN-1238] - Contrib Mortgages - Set Closing balance in Clearing summary to match running balance if zero [TAN-1239] - Contrib Mortgage - no interest adj on Discharge Task [TAN-1225] - Generate interest adjustments when discharging an investment Improvement [TAN-1217] - Creditor Responsibility table - Enterprise DB changes only [TAN-1218] - Additional Client fields - Enterprise db changes only [TAN-1219] - Formletter fields for Maturity date and Total Interest Due for IO in adv and arrears [TAN-1221] - Contrib mortgage in Adv and Arrears - Auto extend term - generate scheduled entry when interest charged [TAN-1222] - New Function [GetTotalFeesByChargeType] similar to [GetTotalFeesByDescription] [TAN-1227] - Prevent voiding past-period transactions when option to prevent posting to prior periods is enabled [TAN-1235] - Function to Return Loan ODIRate

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